Answers to frequently asked questions.


Update 3.11.2022: It is now possible to enroll on the course and receive credits. Follow instructions under the question 'How can I get ECTS credits?'


How do I study?

How do I pass the course?

  • You must attempt to solve all assignments.
  • To pass the course you need to get 80% of total exercise points.
  • You can attempt multi-choice quizzes 2 or 3 times per exercise.
  • You can attempt peer-reviewed essays once.
  • There is no exam.

To get the peer evaluated exercises completed successfully and to pass the course, you have to wait for your peers in the course to review your answers. Be patient, as this might take some time. After all of your answers have been evaluated, the course is completed and you can register for the credits.

Because we want to continuously improve the course, filling the course feedback form at the end of the chapters 2, 4 and 6 is also mandatory for passing the course.

How can I get ECTS credits?

When you have completed all of the material and all the assignments, you will get a notification on the course front page. In the notification you can find a link to fill an enrolment form to register your credits at the University of Helsinki Open University. The course is worth 3 ECTS credits.

Step-by-step instructions for registering ECTS credits

Once you have passed the exam:

  1. Go to the course front page.
  2. Scroll down until you see an element that says Congratulations!
  3. Click the REGISTER button.
  4. Fill in the Open University (University of Helsinki) enrollment form. Be sure to enter the email address that you have used to complete the course in the enrolment form field 'Your email address on the MOOC course'.
  5. The credits will be registered in the University of Helsinki’s study register within two days of enrolment.

I need an official transcript of records for my own institution, how can I get one?

After the credits have been registered to you in the University of Helsinki study register:

You can order a transcript using the student services e-form. An electronic transcript of studies will be delivered to you by email.

Present this document at your institution to have the credits included in your degree. The decision to include the credits will be made by your home institution.

How can I get the certificate?

You will get a certificate when you have completed all the courses that are part of the Una Micro-credential.

How do I reference the course material?

If you want to cite the course you may want to use this reference (APA style example): Una Europa. (2022). Introduction to Sustainability [MOOC]. https://courses.mooc.fi/org/uh-inar/courses/introduction-to-sustainability

I have a question that was not answered on this page. Who can I contact?

If you have any questions or suggestions about the course, contact us via email: una.europa@helsinki.fi

Technical issues and questions related to the online learning environment: mooc@cs.helsinki.fi

Questions related to Open University course enrollment: avoin-student@helsinki.fi